AGM Agenda for the 38th Annual General Meeting of Croquet South East

To be held via Zoom on Saturday 16th November 2024 at 10.00 a.m.

Meeting ID: 842 7622 0856
Passcode: 770550

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the 37th AGM held on 26th November 2023 and matters arising
  3. Election of Officers and Committee for 2025
    The following persons offer themselves for election or re-election:
    Chairman: Andrew Stewart (West Worthing & Sussex County)
    Secretary: Vacant Post
    Treasurer: David King (Sussex County)

    Committee members: Bob Clark (Littlehampton), Richard Carline (Sussex County); Jon Diamond (Royal Tunbridge Wells); John Low (Sussex County) George Noble (Surbiton)and Douglas Shand ( Guildford and Godalming)

    Andrew Stewart, Carol Driver and Samir Patel will also be members of the Committee by virtue of Clause 7 g) of the Constitution since they are members of Croquet England’s Trustee Board.

  4. Treasurer’s Report (David King).
  5. Fixing of the rate of the annual subscription for 2024 – Committee proposing increase to £20 pa. per club
  6. The amount of the tournament and league fees for 2024- Committee are proposing league entry fees of £5 per league. Tournament fees will be fixed at a later date.
  7. Appointment of the Auditor (Independent Examiner
  8. Chairman’s Report (Andrew Stewart).
  9. Webmaster’s report (Jon Diamond)
  10. Development Officer’s Report (Douglas Shand)
  11. Coaching & Safeguarding Officer’s Report (Richard Carline).
  12. League Organiser’s report (John Low) attached
  13. Tournament Organiser’s Report by (Bob Clark) including motions from the committee as follows:
    “As from 2025 the GC Ladies Teams Day and the Carnival Day tournaments shall be run under the rules for Advantage GC ie first to 7 points games played according to Rule 21 of the GC Rules 6th Edition
    “As from 2025 the Ladies AC Teams Day will be discontinued”
  14. Motion to be considered by the meeting proposed by Merton Croquet Club:
    “ Merton Croquet Club very much regret that ‘A’ level GC players (handicap 0 and 1), can no longer represent their club in SECF Level play leagues or events. The Restricted League, designed as a step towards the Level League seems to have replaced it.
    We propose:
    1. The Southern Challenge – now SE Challenge – be open to all players 0 upwards,
    2. The Restricted league be limited to B Level players, – handicap 3 upwards, as in Croquet England leagues
    3. A Level league be re-introduced for all players 0 upwards, possibly with teams of three to facilitate Single Lawn Clubs.
  15. Report by the CqE Trustees – Samit Patel, Carol Driver and Andrew Stewart.
  16. Any other business.

All reports are accesses via the