To be held via Zoom on Saturday 16th November 2024 at 10.00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 842 7622 0856
Passcode: 770550
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 37th AGM held on 26th November 2023 and matters arising
- Election of Officers and Committee for 2025
The following persons offer themselves for election or re-election:
Chairman: Andrew Stewart (West Worthing & Sussex County)
Secretary: Vacant Post
Treasurer: David King (Sussex County)Committee members: Bob Clark (Littlehampton), Richard Carline (Sussex County); Jon Diamond (Royal Tunbridge Wells); John Low (Sussex County) George Noble (Surbiton)and Douglas Shand ( Guildford and Godalming)
Andrew Stewart, Carol Driver and Samir Patel will also be members of the Committee by virtue of Clause 7 g) of the Constitution since they are members of Croquet England’s Trustee Board.
- Treasurer’s Report (David King).
- Fixing of the rate of the annual subscription for 2024 – Committee proposing increase to £20 pa. per club
- The amount of the tournament and league fees for 2024- Committee are proposing league entry fees of £5 per league. Tournament fees will be fixed at a later date.
- Appointment of the Auditor (Independent Examiner
- Chairman’s Report (Andrew Stewart).
- Webmaster’s report (Jon Diamond)
- Development Officer’s Report (Douglas Shand)
- Coaching & Safeguarding Officer’s Report (Richard Carline).
- League Organiser’s report (John Low) attached
- Tournament Organiser’s Report by (Bob Clark) including motions from the committee as follows:
“As from 2025 the GC Ladies Teams Day and the Carnival Day tournaments shall be run under the rules for Advantage GC ie first to 7 points games played according to Rule 21 of the GC Rules 6th Edition
“As from 2025 the Ladies AC Teams Day will be discontinued” - Motion to be considered by the meeting proposed by Merton Croquet Club:
“ Merton Croquet Club very much regret that ‘A’ level GC players (handicap 0 and 1), can no longer represent their club in SECF Level play leagues or events. The Restricted League, designed as a step towards the Level League seems to have replaced it.
We propose:
1. The Southern Challenge – now SE Challenge – be open to all players 0 upwards,
2. The Restricted league be limited to B Level players, – handicap 3 upwards, as in Croquet England leagues
3. A Level league be re-introduced for all players 0 upwards, possibly with teams of three to facilitate Single Lawn Clubs. - Report by the CqE Trustees – Samit Patel, Carol Driver and Andrew Stewart.
- Any other business.
All reports are accesses via the