Our Federation was founded in 1987, with an initial subscription of £5 per annum. Initial members were Caterham, Compton, Crawley, Dulwich, Guildford and Godalming, Harrow Oak, Preston Park, Ramsgate, Reigate Priory, Roehampton, Surbiton, Sussex County (Southwick), Tunbridge Wells, Wellcome Beckenham, Wellcome-Dartford, Woking and Worthing.
Minutes of the Inaugural General Meeting
South East Croquet Federation
Held at the Bridge House Hotel, Reigate on Saturday 21st March 1987
The meeting opened at 10.35am. Present (with clubs in brackets) were Stephen Badger (Dulwich), Terry Ballard (Ramsgate), Geoff Coker (Wellcome Beckenham), Mike Cooper (Crawley), Pearl and Philip Hennings (Preston Park) David Higgs (Caterham), Richard Hilditch (Harrow Oak), Chris Hudson CA National Development Officer, John Knight (Reigate Priory), Paul MacDonald (Roehampton), Dorothy Miller (Preston Park), Tony Mrosinski (Guildford and Godalming), Brenda Sandell (Southwick), Eileen Shaw (Compton), Dennis Shaw (In the chair, Ramsgate/Compton), Kathleen & Geoffrey Yonge (Caterham)
Apologies for absence were received from Dee Briggs (Dulwich), Derek Caporn (Surbiton), Peter Howell (Tunbridge Wells), James Kellaway (Compton), Richard Mclean (Wellcome-Dartford), Pat Shine (Worthing), Lionel Wharrad (Southwick), and Michael Young (Woking).
No postal votes had been received on any motions on the circulated agenda. Approval in principle for a Federation were given by Compton, Surbiton, Tunbridge Wells, Southwick, and Woking.
The draft constitution which had been circulated was amended in many sections – principally, in the number of delegates from each club, the voting rights of committee members, and classes of membership. The amended constitution, as attached, was
adopted nem con.
The following were elected:
Chairman | Dennis Shaw |
Treasurer | John Knight |
Secretary | David Higgs |
Committee Members | Stephen Badger |
Richard Hilditch | |
Tony Mrozinski | |
Brenda Sandell |
Financing/Development: Three sets of equipment are needed for development activities. The regional sports council will meet 50{438ed71376dd6262b9e4c7496c0020bedf542655db9d6c810afe8f5ee40ecca8} of the cost (of £1100), and the Croquet Association have promised a grant of £200. Previously federations have received a grant of about £500. A loan of up to £400, which might be converted to a grant if sponsorship income improved, and repayable from 1988 would be available from the Croquet Association if guarantors for the loan were available. The committee members plus Eileen Shaw, Dorothy Miller, and Geoffrey Yonge agreed to be guarantors, Chris Hudson would arrange the loan.
Coaching Beginners-courses as required would be arranged. A fee to cover coaches’ travelling expenses would be charged. Half-day coaching (or clinic) sessions on specific subjects would be held at different clubs – probably with both a northern and southern circuit – again with a participation fee.
One day tournaments :A golf tournament at Worthing had been advertised. Another at Wellcome (Beckenham) was arranged for June 13. Short Croquet tournaments are to be arranged. A round robin doubles short croquet tournament will be held probably at Caterham on 4 July Wet Weather Wear :Two suppliers can deliver very light weight water proof but vapour permeable jackets and trousers in white
for around £32 provided order is large enough. Samples were circulated. Agreed to seek wider coverage than the region and attempt to have several suits available for the CA Annual General Meeting.
After considerable discussion the amended league rules, as attached, were adopted
Agreed that this would be £5 and will cover entry to all the regional leagues. An additional copy of correspondence and league table to the same address will be an additional 50p and to a different address £1.50. The fee for each league for clubs
that are not members of the Federation will be £3
David Higgs was thanked for his efforts in preparing for the meeting. The Chairman thanked all for attending.
The meeting closed at 1.20 pm.
The Second Annual General Meeting
South East Croquet Federation
MINUTES of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held in the Parlour, United Reformed Church, Harestone Valley Road, Caterham, on Saturday 28 November 1987
The meeting opened at 10.10 with Richard Hilditch (Harrow Oak) in the chair, present were Mike Keen (Beckenham), David Higgs (Caterham), Mike Cooper (Crawley), Stephen Badger (Dulwich), usan Yonge (Eden Park), Tony Mrozinski (Godalming and Woking), Jeremy Short (Parsons Green), Philip and Pearl Hennings
(Preston), Terry Ballard (Ramsgate), John Knight (Reigate Priory), Paul McDonald and Vincent Camroux (Roehampton). Apologies were received from James Kellaway (Compton), Dennis Shaw (Chairman at C.A. Development Committee Meeting), Pat Shine (Worthing) and Brenda Sandell,
1987 Season:
Secretary circulated a review of the Federation’s first season, The Federation has three sets of hoops, 12 mallets and 6 sets of Walker balls, These were used at Vine Road, Barnes and Bank of England Sports Club for courses, and at Ardingly College for the
regional schools events. The equipment is there to be used. Some W.I. and T.W.G. events were held under the Federation umbrella. Eden Park and Vine Road are new clubs ready to start in 1988. Wellcome (Beckenham) won the league title, with Ramsgate the runnerup. The Federation ran two one-day coaching events, and
four one-day tournaments.
1988 Season: The principle of bridging the gap between club and C.A. events would be continued with one day events mainly for higher handicap players as well as for golf croquet players. Plans are in hand for a coaching course at Gillingham, and further ones at the Bank of England and Vine Road have been earmarked.
Calendar; It is Intended to reduce the paper circulated to clubs considerably by having the programme of events finalised and circulated to clubs before the start of the season.
Leagues: There will again be a league. The rules of 1987 will be changed so that two home and two away matches will be played. The programme will be drawn so that matches will be local ones as far as possible, and available again before the start of the
season. The dates for matches will be arranged by the clubs.
It is also intended to run .a Golf croquet league with northern and southern sections.
Financial Statement
Income from subscriptions (£7O),
Grants (C. A., £200; Sports Council, £600),
Net proceeds from events, £200.
Expenditure on equipment (£997),
Administration (£94), meetings (£72), and depreciation of
equipment (£332).
Surplus of income in year: £581
There is a loan of £400 from C.A. due for repayment in 1989,
1990 and 1991.
1. . The name “Federation of Croquet Clubs in the South East” had rarely been used, After considering if “London” should be included in the name, it was agreed to change section 1 to read: 1. NAME
The name shall be the South East Croquet Federation,
2. . The current constitution expires at the 1988 Annual General Meeting. A sub-committee will consider recommendations to be made to that meeting.
Chairman Dennis Shaw (Ramsgate)
Treasurer John Knight (Reigate)
Secretary David Higgs (Caterhani)
Members Stephen Badger (Dulwich)
Richard Hilditch (Harrow)
Tony Mrozinski (Godalming)
Susan Yonge (Eden Park)
No change.
The fee will be £5.00 payable on receipt of the minutes.
Additional set of correspondence to different address, extra £1.50; additional set to same address, £0.50.
Fee covers all league entries.
The idea of holding the Annual General Meeting in various parts of the region was considered, The accommodation for this meeting was very adequate and cheap (£5). It was agreed to hold the 1988 meeting at the same place.
The Council of the C.A. had proposed that the registration fee for clubs should be £1 for every member who was not an Associate. It was considered that this was unfair on golf croquet players, who received little benefit from the C.A.. It was also thought that some clubs would be unable to ask their members for a large increase in membership fees for administration, and consequently would have to consider whether to register or not. It was agreed to express these views to the Chairman of Council.
THANKS to all coaches, referees, and helpers who made the Federation events successful, The committee was also thanked for bringing’ the Federation into successful activities. Special thanks to Joan Higgs for managing the refreshments for the meeting.