Swing Trainer in action
The South East Croquet Federation created the Croquet Academy at the Sussex County Croquet Club in Southwick in 2007 to provide a range of courses by qualified coaches for all levels of skill.
The Croquet Academy is in full action. We’ve planned a range of courses to suit players of all abilities, all aimed at helping to make you a better player.
Winter Coaching Programme 2024/25
Association Croquet(AC):
AC is experiencing a revival in the South East following the interest shown in Short Croquet.
This winter the Croquet Academy is offering a series of modular courses covering both Short Croquet and Handicap AC.
To enrol for either course go to www.thecroquetacamy.com
An Introduction to Short Croquet:
- 4 part modular course – first 2 modules Saturday 12th October and Wednesday 16th October. The second two modules will be run March 2025 with dates agreed with participating players.
- The course will suit complete beginners and players with experience in Golf Croquet.
- Cost: £60 for the four modules (£48 for SCCC members)
Introduction and development of Handicap Association Croquet on full sized courts
- 3 part modular course – 1st Module Wednesday 23rd October with 2 further modules run during March 2025
- The course will suit players who have played and have a short croquet handicap and Association Croquet players with a handicap of 18+
- Cost: £45 for the three modules (£36 for SCCC members)
Golf Croquet (GC):
Golf Croquet Workshop:
- 1 day pre-season course to help improve your techniques – Tuesday 18th March 2025.
- The Workshop includes: Video Analysis, individual diagnostic assessment, practice routines used by the best players and individual advice to help improve your game.
- Suitable for GC players in the handicap range 3-10
- Cost: £40 (£30 for SCCC members
2024 Programme launched
The 2024 Croquet Academy programme will be run at 2 clubs to help reduce participants travel costs.
Highlights of the 2024 programme include:
- A comprehensive Coaches Training & Qualification Course for both AC & GC players developed by Paul Francis. For full details go to the Academy website www.thecroquetacademy.com
- A one day GC Masterclass by Jonathan Powe. Jonathan is an established International GC & AC player. Following his very well received course in 2020 we have invited him back to give others the opportunity to benefit his excellent Masterclass.
- A new course for 2024 is a one day programme targeted at GC players with little or no knowledge of the AC game. There are specific techniques in the AC game which can benefit the GC player, this course will demonstrate these techniques and provide practice routines to develop these skills. Who knows the participants may even get a taste to play AC!
- Learning Short Croquet has proven itself to be an effective way for people to start playing the AC game. This year we will be running a 4 part modular course starting in October 2024 for Beginners & Improvers. In addition in the Spring we will run a new course designed to take Short Croquet players onto full sized lawns and develop their AC skills.
- Our GC Workshops are becoming increasingly popular. On these courses participants will be able to develop their individual skills and gain improvements to their game through video analysis, one to one coaching sessions and development of practice routines.
In addition to the £25 Croquet England subsidy available to CQC applicants the SECF offer a similar sum to their members – making the cost to a SECF member £15. Subsidies will be claimed back on completion of the course.
Hub club coaching
The Academy have set up a new hub at Tunbridge Wells where Academy Coaches will come to the hub to lead the courses. The purpose is to reduce participants travel by offering some of the more popular courses. These Federation courses will be in addition to the comprehensive programme at Southwick.
For further information on all courses, please contact The Croquet Academy Secretary, Chrissie Merrington – courses@thecroquetacademy.com
Richard Carline
The Croquet Academy Director