(Revised 12/11/88, 6/2/94, 11/2/96, 22/2/98, 15/2/04, 25/2/18, 23/2/20, 22/11/20, 18/11/23)
The name shall be The South East Croquet Federation (SECF), otherwise known as Croquet South East.
The area of influence of the Federation shall be Kent, London, Surrey and Sussex.
The aims of the Federation shall be to promote the game of croquet and to coordinate the activities of croquet clubs in the area.
The Federation shall be run under the auspices of Croquet England CIO.
Every croquet club (or croquet section of larger clubs) or group interested in croquet in or near the area of influence is eligible for membership of the Federation, provided that they are full or affiliate members of Croquet England.
Clubs shall appoint one voting delegate and any number of observers to attend any General Meeting.
Other classes of membership may be created by an Annual General Meeting.
The annual subscription fees for the year starting 1st January shall be decided at the preceding year’s Annual General Meeting, and shall be due upon receipt of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting.
Member clubs wishing to resign from the Federation must inform the Secretary not later than the Annual General Meeting, otherwise they shall be liable for the subscription for the following year.
a There shall be at least one meeting in each year.
b All meetings shall be held within the area.
c There shall be at least 28 days notice of meetings given to all members.
d Motions
Motions to amend the Constitution or for the dissolution of the Federation shall require at least two-thirds of the votes cast by those present to be in favour. Other motions shall be carried by a simple majority.
Motions in writing shall reach the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting, and shall be circulated with the Agenda to members at least 7 days before the meeting.
Motions may be submitted to the Secretary by:
(a) Member Clubs;
(b) the Executive Committee
e Quorum
A quorum shall consist of one quarter of the delegates entitled to attend.
f Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held between 1st November and the last day of the following February to elect the committee, elect one or more auditors, accept the Statement of Accounts for the previous year, and transact general business.
g A Special General Meeting may be called at the discretion of the committee or at the written request of at least three member clubs to consider a single motion. On the receipt of such a request the committee shall arrange the meeting within 28 days.
h The Chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
a The committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and at least two but not more than six other persons. Nominations for these posts may be made by member Clubs and must be accompanied by an agreement to serve, signed by the nominated person. All nominations and agreements to serve must be sent to the Secretary to arrive no later than 7 days before the Annual General Meeting at which the committee falls to be elected.
b Members of the committee shall have one vote at committee meetings. The chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
c Upon election each member shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting, unless replaced at a prior Special General Meeting.
d A vacancy on the committee may be filled by co-option. Such co-opted members will hold office until the next General Meeting.
e The committee shall meet at least twice a year. Three members of the committee shall form a quorum.
f The committee shall keep proper records and accounts.
g If at any time a person shall be elected as a member of the Board of Trustees of Croquet England for the South East Constituency and not be already a member of the committee of the Federation, then such person shall ipso facto be deemed to be co-opted to the committee, unless he or she informs the committee that he or she does not wish to be co-opted, but shall not be counted for the purpose of the limit specified above.
a. The Federation may appoint a person of distinction who is interested in croquet to the office of President of the Federation.
b. A nomination for the post of President may be made by the Executive Committee annually. The nomination shall be approved by the Member Clubs by a motion passed at the Annual General Meeting.
c. The office of President shall carry no executive powers.
d. The President shall undertake such duties on behalf of the Federation as may be agreed by the Chairman.
Bank accounts shall be in the name of the Federation. Drawing on these accounts shall be by any two of four nominated committee members.
The financial year shall commence on 1st October.
On passing of a motion for the dissolution of the Federation at any General Meeting, all assets of the Federation shall be transferred to Croquet England.