AC Ladies day 2021

The first Ladies AC Day since 2018 took place at Southwick on 7th July.

Eight teams were represented : Sussex 1, Sussex 2, Rother Valley, Rottingdean, Purley Berries, Queen Bees, Merton and a SECF team. The SECF team was assembled as in the end Surbiton couldn’t quite raise a team. Many thanks to those who played for the SECF team.

Each team consisted of two to four ladies of any handicap. There were 4 rounds drawn at random – two of 2 singles and two of doubles. Points were awarded for win, pegged out win and peels. All games were 14 point handicap matches with a time limit of 1.5 hours.

There were some extra singles available for teams who had more than 2 players – if they wanted more play! The results were then arranged in percentage order, if necessary.

A lot of the games did peg out, particularly the singles but the doubles tended to go to time!

Sussex 1 were clear winners with 21 points. The nearest challengers being Queen Bees, Rother Valley and Merton. Congratulations to Sussex 1Chrissie Merrington and Pam Gooders. Chrissie played brilliantly and won all her games and got a handicap reduction to 10!!

Well done everyone and the Federation is grateful for your support in this event.

Cliff Jones kindly presented the Trophy to the winners – he had arrived for an Academy course the next day!

Thanks as ever to Southwick for the wonderful lawns, to Chris Constable who was ROT (Referee of the Tournament), and to myself for sorting out socially distanced tea/coffee, biscuits and afternoon cake!

It was a lovely day and so pleasing to catch up with old friends and see familiar faces.

Please can more SECF teams enter next year. We cannot rely on the same players year after year. I am sure many more clubs could provide at least two AC lady players.

Ideas for next year: well maybe short court AC, full bisque singles games, alternate stroke doubles??

It is up to you to contact me if you have ideas, and please try to participate in 2022!

Frances Low (Manager)

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