Author: Jon Diamond

New Federation Development Officer appointed

After many years of very fruitful service as Development Officer for the SECF, Michael Hague has decided to retire and give himself more time to actually enjoy the game. Our utmost thanks must therefore...

Richard Hilditch retires

Richard Hilditch is getting married and will be moving to the Netherlands shortly, so is retiring from the Committee after some 30 years (10 years as Chairman). Our congratulations to him and we wish...

2017 Leagues

Woking win the A league, Sussex County U league, Merton B league, Surbiton GC Level league, Merton GC Restricted league and Sussex County play Cheam A in the final of the GC handicap league

Jon Diamond co-opted

I am very pleased to announce that the SECF Committee have invited Jon Diamond from the Tunbridge Wells Club to join the committee as a co-opted member for the rest of the current year...