New SECF website
Today we successfully completed the migration of our website from a roll-your-own approach to a WordPress based solution and a different ISP, which should allow us to develop the SECF in future more easily....
Today we successfully completed the migration of our website from a roll-your-own approach to a WordPress based solution and a different ISP, which should allow us to develop the SECF in future more easily....
We’ve added a Referee’s course, and Jonathan Powe is now running the GC Masterclass. Please see our full Programme.
The video from Paul Harrington’s webinar session for us from 4th March has now been uploaded (to Youtube):
While unsurprising, it is sad that the recently announced Government roadmap for exiting Covid lockdown, supplemented by CA Taskforce guidance, means that, with the exception of our Zoom-based courses, most of our planned courses...
It is sometimes difficult to determine the number of extra turns/bisques to be given in Golf or Association Handicap games and also the number of Index points to be exchanged at the end of...
There was a refresh of the Officers of the SECF at our AGM – see minutes.