SECF January Newsletter
Advantage GCAs you may recall it was agreed at the Federation AGM last November that we would move to Advantage GC for the Handicap League this year. It was also agreed that the Federation would provide some training for this new system before the season got underway.
The Croquet Academy and South East Croquet Federation are proud to present Understanding GC Advantage Play by Roy Tillcock, a Zoom webinar on 31st January at 5:30pm
– The CA have adopted GC Advantage Play for the 2023 season
– GC All England Handicap will be played in this format
– The SECF voted to use this variant of GC handicap play for its league competitions and a number of Clubs in the Federation are proposing playing Advantage tournamentsSo who better than Roy Tillcock to lead us through the correct approach to both organising and playing GC Advantage. It was Roy who masterminded the system and has spearheaded trials over the last two seasons
It is strongly recommended that Club representatives, Team Captains, Managers and Players take some time to familiarise themselves with the requirements of Advantage Play
If you would like to attend the session – which will be recorded – send and email to Richard Carline at to reserve a place. Book your place now as they may be limited.
- The Croquet Association is running a series of Webinars for Clubs on various topics during the next few months.
The first session will be on January 25th on ‘Crowd Funding for Clubs’.Further details can be found by following this link:
- All tournament dates for SECF events have now been announced, apart from the Short Croquet which is some time in October.
It’s probable that the AC Teams will switch from 6th/7th May to 7th/8th May because of the Coronation.